Saturday, October 27

From Thankfulness to Gratitude

Originally uploaded by MAPryor.
Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts. (Henri Frederic Amiel)

I like the action part of gratitude--it is shown in acts. You can be thankful for something, but it is even more wonderful when you do something to show your thankfulness or your appreciation. Acts of gratitude may cost you your time, but it is time well spent. People love to be the recipient of something thoughtful. The next time you are at work, buy your co-worker a cup of coffee or a favorite candy. Bake cookies for your family and then share them with neighbors.
Look for opportunities to give to someone. In your daily routine of life, you are around many people that need a hug, a kind word, clothes or food. Put action into your thankfulness and do something kind for someone.

Wednesday, October 24

The Ability to Dream

Originally uploaded by MAPryor.
"In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful."

Monday, October 22

HOPE - By Emily Dickinson

Originally uploaded by MAPryor.

Hope is the thing with feathers;
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm;
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I 've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

Saturday, October 20

We've Come A Long Way Baby - Deb's Perspective

Originally uploaded by MAPryor.
Mark posted a picture taken of me 14 years ago as we were just embarking on our new journey called marriage. This picture of Mark was taken the same day! I can still remember standing in our home posing for the camera. This "home" has many happy memories! I can remember many times sitting on the couch talking and saying how much I loved it! I can also remember all the flops of a meal I cooked as I endeavored to come up with a new meal. We have many great laughs over these adventurous meals. I thought I could cook something just because I saw someone else cook it. Soon, Mark would ask did you cook this or did you watch someone else make it. If the answer was I watched, he would smile and we would settle for our old standbys. Oh, the life of an evangelist--precious memories. Babe, God has been good to us. You are the BEST!!

Friday, October 19


staircase, originally uploaded by catscape.

Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. Okay, kudos to Sheldon for finding such a remarkable quote and picture to go along with it. I liked it so much that I had to post it on my blog. Life is a walk by faith. I am guilty of wanting to see the whole staircase before I walk, but I am learning to simply take life one day at a time.

Thursday, October 18

Trust - That's A Big Word

Sheldon II
Originally uploaded by MAPryor.

A man who doesn't trust himself can never really trust anyone else. (Cardinal De Retz)

Thinking on the above statement and the word trust, I had to ask myself why is it that this simple act or "firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something" is such a difficult concept for some individuals. A newborn infant does not question whether or not he should trust the hands that are gingerly holding him; the infant just knows he is safe and secure. I trust that the home I live in will shield me from storms. I trust my family, friends, and co-workers because I know they have my best interest at heart. More importantly, I trust God to be with me each and every day. Like the wind, I cannot see God, but I know that He is there.

So, why then do people struggle with trusting one another? Perhaps some people struggle because trust is not a tangible object. You cannot point to something and say that is trust. Trust is an invisible thread that connects and unites people. Strengthen those bonds of trust. Trust and cherish those around you. Most importantly, "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." (Prov. 3:5 )

Tuesday, October 9

Real People, Real Friends

Hanging Out At Starbucks 1
Originally uploaded by MAPryor.
My friends--just smiling for the camera! Last night was too enjoyable. Sheldon said, "Mom, they left too early!" There is something about just talking with a friend that is invigorating. The kids play extra hard and the adults talk and catch up on what is going on. I can't wait until we see them again. Thank you Jana and Brian for always being there. Jana, you are just too sweet, and "everything is more fun with a friend." (Rebekah, age 15)

Real people, real friends.


A single flower growing where nothing else is growing is a beautiful thing. (Cindy, age 13)

Saturday, October 6

"You Make Me Smile" blog award

"You Make Me Smile" blog award
Originally uploaded by MAPryor.
Sis. Hurst and Sis. Elms, thank you; I am very honored to be the recipient of this Smile Award. Both of you make me smile. I have enjoyed your posts. What I am the most thankful for is the fact that I have met two friends. Both of you are an inspiration to me. Your posts bring encouragement, laughter, and thoughtful insights. It is great to read about your lives or something that simply interests you! Keep the fire burning as you bring joy to the ones who read your blogs.
Now, I am going to pass the award to Mark, Sheldon, Shirley Buxton and Jana. Thank you everyone for making me smile, and thanks again for this award!

Monday, October 1

My Love For A Flower Garden

Flowers @ Canada
Originally uploaded by MAPryor.
Okay, I am breaking my rule, I have posted twice in one night. LOL. As all of my dear friends know, I share an unquenchable affinity for flowers. If I could, I would spend all day planting flowers for myself or someone else for that matter. When Mark leaves for a weekend to preach out, I always run off to Armstrong Nursery. Perhaps there is a natural radar in my car that drives directly to the nursery (or Starbucks). Inevitably, the shopping bug strikes and I buy something even if it is just a plant for my herb garden. Surprisingly, I usually always get caught with dirt on my hands and Mark knows that I have bought something. Buying a plant is so much harder to conceal than a new pair of shoes or suit because it would sound silly to say, "No babe, I've had this plant for months; I just forgot to plant it." Mark has an uncanny way of arriving home when I am trying to plant my well sought after plant. Sheldon has even caught onto this little trick of mine. One time, Sheldon stepped onto the patio and his keen eye caught sight of my treasure. He then said, "You bought a flower and I am telling daddy." Caught again. To me, this garden is magnificent. I am sure that our heavenly garden will look something like this but much more spectacular!

The Enjoyable Art of Blogging

Originally uploaded by MAPryor.
Blogging is so much fun. However, for awhile, I ceased to blog until my FANTASTIC mother-in-law commented on how much she liked reading our blogs because it kept her apprised on what was going on in our lives. So, I endeavored to post at least once a week--give or take. Finally, Jana took up the baton and started blogging. I enjoyed reading her blog because I felt as if I was stepping into her living room and talking to my best friend. Through Jana's blog, I read some other interesting preachers' wives blogs. I've said all of this to say, that I am glad to have met some wonderful people in bloggersphere. It is great to go to various meetings and meet the author of the blogs I read. Thank you for sharing your lives and inspiring thoughts!