Thursday, January 11

Thank You Brian and Jana

Just a quick note to thank Brian and Jana for coming and sharing their valuable words of wisdom concerning resolving conflicts within your marriage. I'll have to get out my trusty journal and blog about the points that captured my attention. Actually, I'll have to say I was completely engrossed on what was being taught. Jana and Brian are amazing speakers and have a wealth of information to share.

Also, last night was a two fold blessing for me. I heard life-changing teaching, and I was able to sit with my FRIEND and laugh. Laughter truly does lighten the cares that you carry. I felt like an eager child in a classroom; thankfully, neither of us were reprimanded for talking and laughing! Oh, the joys of friendship.

1 comment:

Mark Pryor said...

Debbie, I agree it was INCREDIBLE! I am excited about the remainder of Family Xperience. Brian and Jana, can't wait until you all are back in OC.