Sunday, December 28

Originally uploaded by MAPryor
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance...

I hope you dance…

From the song "I Hope You Dance"
As performed by Lee Ann Womack


Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

"Dancing on the Grave of my Enemy ..." remember that old song?
The grave may not be sealed yet be empty yet, but it's been scheduled!
So, yes, by faith, I dance!

In my kitchen is a small jumping jack - navy blue nutcracker - and Naomi love to pull his red string. Your bundled up little guy is very cute.

Mark Pryor said...

Great Quote!!!

I always feel like DANCING when you are around!!!

Jana Allard said...

I love that song. Everyone is given the choice to sit it out or dance. I will choose to dance.

Debbie Pryor said...

Sis. Catherine, yes, I remember that song. Sometimes we dance because we are rejoicing for what the Lord has done and other times we dance by faith believing for what He is going to do. Just keep dancing. :)

P.S. This is one of my favorite ornaments. I love his smiley face.

Debbie Pryor said...

Jana, that is what I admire about you -- you are always willing to take the challenge and go for it!

Debbie Pryor said...

Babe, you are soo sweet. Thanks for always being my dancing partner in the good times and trying times. I love you bunches, and I am so THANKFUL that God blessed me with such an amazing husband. Love you bunches!!!!