Wednesday, February 4

Facing A Challenge

This quote is taken from the book, Rock Solid Families: "When faced with a mountain, I WILL NOT QUIT! I will keep on striving until I climb over, find a pass through, tunnel underneath, or simply stay and turn that mountain into a gold mine with God's help." You must be determined if you are going to climb that mountain. You may be tired, but keep on moving forward and do not quit. Even if you move one small step at a time, eventually you will reach the top and conquer the challenge that you face. With God all things are possible; just keep climbing!


Mark Pryor said...


I think that every pastor, every leader has those times that he must remind himself that quitting is NOT an option!!!!

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Quitting is never an option. Sometimes we need to look at the mountain from another angle... it may not be as big as it seems. Certainly much more manageable with a Word from the Lord.
I'm climbing my mountain, even if it seems like a valley at the moment. Prayers have been answered this week, and we are only half way thru.
Love you.

Karen J. Hopper said...

God said if we take one step, He will take two. Your post should challenge us did me.