Saturday, August 8

Are You Wasting Your Seconds?

july 09 039
Originally uploaded by pentecostalsofoc

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness. ~Author Unknown

Further, those minutes will add up to hours and then days. Anger is a very real emotion that if left to fester can turn into hatred. We are encouraged to love one another. Stop wasting your moments and begin by focusing on the the positive rather than the negative. Stop being angry and choose to be happy. Put your trust in God and He will restore you!


Mark Pryor said...

Great post. Focus on the positive, that is the key.

Karen J. Hopper said...

Strangely enough I was around someone this past week that had let angry rob their happiness for a long time. And sadly, no matter what you said to them, they felt no remorse - and that they were justified in their negativity. Wish everyone could read your message. What a wonderful post.