Friday, September 16

You Must be an Initiator

"God teaches emphatically the necessity of being an initiator. You must initiate your own blessing. If you do not initiate it, nothing significant will ever occur in your life. (Quote taken from Women Thou Art Loosed study Bible.) Consider the woman with the issue of blood, if she had failed to step forward and boldly touch the hem of His garment, she would never have initiated her miracle of healing! If Esther had not boldly stepped into the king's court, multitudes of Jews would have unjustly perished. Because of her courage and deep trust in an unseeing hand, she initiated great deliverance for her people. What about Abigail? If she had not intervened on behalf of her foolish husband, David and his army would have destroyed a city. Abigail, an initiator, took bold, quick action and lavished David with gifts. Thus, preventing sure disaster from coming to her household.

What are you willing to initiate in your life? Yes, you must be bold, but if you are willing to take a step of faith, God will surely bless you. We serve a great King who has our best interest at heart.

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