I am in the process of finishing a fantastic book, Twelve Extroadinary Woman (John MacArthur). Here is a quick nugget that you may enjoy:
"Contrary to popular opinion, the most important characteristic of a godly mother is not her relationship with her children. It is her love for her husband. The love between husband and wife is the real key to a thriving family. A healthy home environment cannot be built exclusively on the parents' love for their children. The properly situated family has marriage at the center; families shouldn't revolve around the children.
Furthermore, all parents need to heed this lesson: what you communicate to your children through your marital relationship will stay with them for the rest of their lives. By watching mother and father treat one another, they will learn the most fundamental lessons of life--love, self-sacrifice, integrity, virture, sin, sympathy, compassion, understanding, and foregiveness. Whatever you teach them about those things, right or wrong, is planted deep within their hearts!"
Powerful thought! If you haven't already, take time to show your husband just how much you love and appreciate him. A loving husband is a priceless treasure from the Lord.
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