Tuesday, July 5

My Fourth of July

We had an awesome fourth of July. We spent the evening at Huntington Beach with the Wright Family. Bro. & Sis. Wright and their family are tremendous people. They pastor in Tustin, California, which is, in my opinion, a beautiful city that has exceptional weather!

Once we braved the traffic and found a parking space, we trotted off to the beach to await the firework show. On the beach, the intangible aromas of grilled food began to tickle our senses and send a message to our stomach that we were, in fact, HUNGRY! We were ever so surprised to see a hot dog vendor on the beach. We immediately ordered hot dogs to go. We then dined on Fire Hot Cheetos with "limon." (Thanks Shawnna for the introduction to these tasty cheetos.) Oh, and what is the 4th of July without licorice!

Settled down in our comfy seats, we begin to experience a slight chill in the air. So, we naturally inched our way closer and closer to a bonfire that was so timely provided by another family. By the time it was over, we all had cozy spots next to the vibrant, warm fire, and all our chills soon became a faded memory.

The relaxed ambiance of the beach just set the stage for us to enjoy the fantastic firework show! After all the oohs and awes, it was time to go and face the unrelenting traffic. Everyone was kind and courteous as they exited the parking lot, and we were not in a traffic jam for long.

There is something about being at the beach that causes one's appetite to expand and roar with hunger. Or perhaps, we are just staying true to our Pentecostal roots--food and fellowship, equals great fun! At about 11:20 p.m. we then met our friends, the Webbs, for a late night snack at Cocos. At midnight were were enjoying a belgian waffle smothered in syrup and butter. Too bad Starbucks was closed or we would have had to add a hot mocha to the mix.

Yes, we had one fantastic day! Thanks everyone for making this day memorable!

1 comment:

Mark Pryor said...

What an awesome time. I guess you could say that the fire was a hostile takeover. :-) But we had a blast with the Wrights and later meeting the Webbs wrapped up a wonderful evening.