Monday, November 6

Burning Desire

I was pondering on the subject of quitting. Here is what I found. When you choose to quit, you "leave, vacate, exit, depart from, withdraw from; abandon, desert." It is boldly declaring that you have grown weary of your current position, therefore, you'll just quit.

Do you ever stop to consider the affects of quitting? You might say, well, someone better will fulfill that position. What will it matter if I abandon those around me? What will it matter if I cease to teach that particular class? No one will miss me if I leave. However, there is more to it than just your outlook. Quitting stems from a deep-rooted, unfilled desire. You quit, not because you truly believe someone better will come along, you quit because you have withdrawn from your lifeline.

You might ask, what is a lifeline? Well, it is what keeps your life centered. If I chose to, I could QUIT playing the piano, but I won't even consider giving up because I have an unrelenting, burning desire to give my all for the furtherance of God's kingdom. Learning a new instrument is challenging, but fulfilling. Sure, I experience weariness, but the Bible does say, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." I choose to move forward!

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