Tuesday, February 24

Youth Retreat 2009 - Spectacular With Many Memorable Moments!

Meet Philana, aka super woman. She can honestly do anything she sets her mind to accomplishing. She presently plays the piano, leads/teaches our praise team new songs, and stays involved in whatever area we need assistance in. But this event is remarkable.

Here's the story. While on our youth retreat, we decided to play an old fashioned game: hide-n-seek. With each passing session, the girls were becoming more and more creative. One young lady, Ariel, hid underneath the bathroom sink. (Keep in mind that she is about 4'11" and weighs maybe 80 pounds.) Another young lady, Priscilla, climbed into a high loft, and this required great skill on her part. The crowning hider, in my opinion, was Philana. I believe her slender frame reaches 6 feet, but she somehow managed to fit herself in to a storage box. Yep, thats right a storage box. As the boys were seeking for her, someone finally decided to take the lid of of the box and out popped Philana who was only too glad to be found because she stayed in this small box for well over 20 minutes! This event needs to be aired on Ripley's Believe It Or Not!

Our youth retreat was nothing short of spectacular. We prayed, laughed, cried, and bonded with each other. All in all, it was one memorable event that we will never forget!


Mark Pryor said...

That was so funny and unbelievable that she fit in that box...but as the picture shows she succeeded. LOL, I don't even want to think about trying it. :-)

Karen J. Hopper said...

Unbelievable and Amazing at the same time. Glad to hear that the youth retreat made for a wonderful time.

Jana Allard said...

That is hysterically funny. I bet you guys laughed till you cried.