Wednesday, October 12

What Once Looked Like a Mountain . . . .

Last night, my husband had me listen to a song. As we listened to this magnificent song sung by Priscilla McGruder, tears came to our eyes. Here are the words:

"Today I faced a mountain that I have no strength to climb, and the struggle of this journey has left me weak both in body and in mind. Where I stand to the peak is a distance on my own I cannot reach. So, this journey of a thousand steps begins right here on my knees.

Soon I'll soar like an eagle high on wings of grace. Far into the heavens where I can almost see God's face. Rising in His splendor to heights I never knew. What once looked like a mountain is just a hill from heaven's point of view.

I may face things tomorrow I can't comprehend today. Circumstances so uncertain make it hard to find the strength to pray, but I'm living in the promise I'll never leave you. I will always see you through. So what's this mountain to an eagle flying high from heaven's point of view."

Friend, I have been there. There was once a gargantuan mountain in my life that depleted me of my strength. I experienced the bitter sting of disappointment. And I had to begin the journey of trust right on my knees. Thankfully, my mountain, viewed from my heavenly Father's eyes, was just a hill! "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness...." (2 Cor. 12:9) I am so thankful for a faithful Friend who is watching over me.

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