Thursday, October 13

A Word of Encouragement

For the last week, I have been responding to various ads in the paper. I even had one interview. With each passing day, I found myself becoming a little more anxious. I know it has only been a week, but it seems as if the response has been a bit slow. I believe that God can speak to an individual through any avenue He deems appropriate. For some it may be a word of encouragement. Maybe you read your Bible and a particular scripture arrested your attention. Today, the following words captivated my attention: "You may be feeling the pressure and heat of your problems.  You may not be able to see the hands of God through the billowing smoke of your situation. He can see you and He's calling out for you to have faith in Him.  So prayerfully jump into His faithful hands; He's there and will catch and hold you in your most desperate of situations." Yes, these words were definitely a confirmation to me that I simply need to trust God, for He knows what I need.

1 comment:

Mary Kirchhoff said...

Hi there. You may take some comfort from reading about my job hunt, if you want a good laugh. I finally did get a job. Wishing you the best! Emkay