Saturday, November 8

You Are A Vessel

What are you thinking about? My thought for today concerns a vessel.

What is a vessel? The most basic definition of a vessel is "a hollow container used to hold liquid." From a botanical standpoint, a vessel is any of the tubular structures in the vascular system of a plant, to conduct water and mineral nutrients from the root." From an anatomical standpoint, a vessel is "a duct or canal holding or conveying blood or other fluid." Regardless of the definition, a vessel is something of great importance and serves an important function: it holds something. Further, a vessel sustains one's life. You are a vessel of honor. You are the one that God uses to enrich the lives of others. There is no need to be envious of another vessel because you my dear friend are a unique vessel, a unique individual with your own special interests and talents.

How does a vessel become marred and fail to serve its purpose? The vessel can only become marred when you allow jealously, insecurity, bitterness, hatred, and apathy (to name a few) to begin to taint what is flowing out of the vessel. Why is that people have a difficult time praising someone? Well, I like that singer, so I'll worship. He's is a good preacher, so I'll shout an amen here and there. You must understand that it is not about you or your actions, but it is about God. Are your actions or reactions pleasing in God's sight? God just wants your adoration and praise. When you become stingy with your praise, you become a leaky a vessel. It is okay to offer a compliment because compliments beget compliments. "A compliment is verbal sunshine” (Robert Orben) Patch up those leaks and allow God to reign in your life. It's time to become a Vessel of Honor!


Mark Pryor said...

When I saw your post, I immediately associated it with what has been on my mind throughout the day...and sure enough you referenced the basis of my thought.

First of all; Everything God has ever created, He created with a purpose...just as the maker of a vessel must know what he is going to put in the vessel in order to know the design and the materials that he is going to utilize in construction of vessel.

Secondly; Everything God has created He knew where He was going to place it and the conditions it must be able to endure under. A submarine has to have an incredible inner structure to be able to withstand the pressure that the forces of deep water places upon it...and yet God created the fish to handle the same pressure with ease.

My 2 points are these:
1.)He made us to be Holy Ghost filled vessels!!!
2.)Where He placed and planted us we are designed to prosper!!!

Now, to tie this in with your post, when something good is in you then something bad cannot come out...when you are secure in where God has you, it is impossible to be jealous over where someone else is at in life.

Karen J. Hopper said...

What an excellent post, and your husband's comment only added more good thoughts. My goal is to be a Vessel of Honor, even though sometimes I develop a leak but thank God, through prayer I can patch it.

iluv2prshim said...

Beautiful post. I hope I am a Vessel of Honor.

Faith Motivates Miracles! said...

That was a good post Deb. I pray I am a vessel of honor and patch up any leaks quickly with prayer. Love you, Noel

Debbie Pryor said...

Babe, I am thankful that God knows the beginning from the end. It is always amazing to look back over your life and see how God's was working everything out one step at a time, and he truly designed you with a specific purpose to fulfill. That is why we must strive to be be the best!

Debbie Pryor said...

Sis. Hopper, when the imperfections are revealed, sometimes the process of making the "vessel a new" can be a wee bit uncomfortable. However, if we learn from the experience and allow God to change us, we are always victorious. I like to call these changes the life lessons that I learn. I am thankful that we are always given the opportunity to change; it just a matter if we are willing to change!

I know you are definitely a vessel of honor; you are a sweet lady!

Debbie Pryor said...

Sis. Ronda, no doubt you are an inspiration to others-- a true vessel of honor. You set a wonderful example for other ladies to follow!!!!!

Debbie Pryor said...

Noel, in reading your blog, I can see just how God is using you to impact others. I know He is quite pleased with the vessel! I am thankful for God's mercy and His willingness to use those who make themselves available. I am reminded of the song that states, "if you can use anything Lord, you can use me." That's been my prayer! I don't want to miss opportunities when God nudges me to do something and I fail to respond. Rather, I want to always respond even if it seems a little uncomfortable. In the end God gets all the glory! Thank you Lord!

Faith Motivates Miracles! said...

Thank you Debbie for your words of kindness. I am so proud of who you are today. You are a beautiful example to all who know you. Love Noel