This picture was taken at 2:00 a.m. It is hard to believe that we are still awake. However, when we visit with the Allards, time stands still and all of us experience a "second wind". I do believe we could stay up half the night just chatting, having fun and playing scrabble.
Tuesday, December 26
Happiness is Acting Silly
I tend to be a serious person, but Sunday night I was reminded of how fun it is to simply act childish and have a grand time! Here is a picture of Bryce and I in combat. (Look closely and you will see the most adorable little girl. I call her pretty princess.)
I'll cherish this Christmas memory for years to come.
I'll cherish this Christmas memory for years to come.
Monday, December 25
Christmas with the Allards
Today is a special day, and I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!
We are spending this special day with our good friends Brian and Jana Allard. They are awesome! When we walked through the door that led to our hotel room, we were greeted by a fabulous white christmas tree! We truly celebrated a white christmas!
Jana, you and Brian are one in a million. You have made this one spectacular Christmas! Thank you for your friendship!
We are spending this special day with our good friends Brian and Jana Allard. They are awesome! When we walked through the door that led to our hotel room, we were greeted by a fabulous white christmas tree! We truly celebrated a white christmas!
Jana, you and Brian are one in a million. You have made this one spectacular Christmas! Thank you for your friendship!
Saturday, December 23
What are You Sharing?
This holiday season share a little something special with someone. There is a fine art of sharing, and we need to put this simple principle to use. If you want to be lonely then do not bother sharing. However, if you share what you have, you will be happy. At every opportunity you need to share because, "happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." (Norman Macewan)
Saturday, December 16
Bright Compliments
Last night, the department leaders were present at our annual planning session. We have many grand events on the calendar. I am looking forward to 2007!
Once I exited the restaurant, I noticed an antique store still open. I thought I would just peek inside. When I glanced through the door, a lovely lady kindly said, "I'm closed. I have family waiting on me." She gave me a compliment, and I complimented her on her beauty. And this is what I want to capitalize on: She said, "It is God!"
Many women are chasing the newest fades, hairstyles and latest gizmos for beauty. These women look in the mirror and only see fine wrinkles, pale complexion, sagging skin, and gray hairs or they only see their flaws. They are running, running, running from what happens naturally: the aging process. I have read articles where women in their early thirties are receiving Botox injections and every kind of body enhancing surgery around. On the beauty aisles, you can read about creams which diminish fine lines, firm your skin, and enhance your beauty. Yes, women are buying senseless products or undergoing life endangering operations all for the meritless promise of maintaining youth and beauty.
It is God who made us! God knew exactly what you would look like; He gave you the greatest gift -- YOU. There is no one else like you! You are beautiful regardless of the season of your life. If more women could grasp hold of this concept, they would experience what true beauty is all about.
True beauty begins on the inside and radiates on the outside! Beauty is more than just your skin tone, the firmness of your skin, the color of your hair or the womanly figure that graces you. "Beautiful women are happy women." You can always spot a beautiful woman because she is always smiling, she is happy, and she is a delight to be around. She is comfortable with herself!
Remember, "favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. (Prov. 31:30) And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us . . .." (Psa. 90:17)
Once I exited the restaurant, I noticed an antique store still open. I thought I would just peek inside. When I glanced through the door, a lovely lady kindly said, "I'm closed. I have family waiting on me." She gave me a compliment, and I complimented her on her beauty. And this is what I want to capitalize on: She said, "It is God!"
Many women are chasing the newest fades, hairstyles and latest gizmos for beauty. These women look in the mirror and only see fine wrinkles, pale complexion, sagging skin, and gray hairs or they only see their flaws. They are running, running, running from what happens naturally: the aging process. I have read articles where women in their early thirties are receiving Botox injections and every kind of body enhancing surgery around. On the beauty aisles, you can read about creams which diminish fine lines, firm your skin, and enhance your beauty. Yes, women are buying senseless products or undergoing life endangering operations all for the meritless promise of maintaining youth and beauty.
It is God who made us! God knew exactly what you would look like; He gave you the greatest gift -- YOU. There is no one else like you! You are beautiful regardless of the season of your life. If more women could grasp hold of this concept, they would experience what true beauty is all about.
True beauty begins on the inside and radiates on the outside! Beauty is more than just your skin tone, the firmness of your skin, the color of your hair or the womanly figure that graces you. "Beautiful women are happy women." You can always spot a beautiful woman because she is always smiling, she is happy, and she is a delight to be around. She is comfortable with herself!
Remember, "favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. (Prov. 31:30) And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us . . .." (Psa. 90:17)
Friday, December 15
The Joy of Saying, "Good Morning"
This morning I was pondering on when I volunteered at Sheldon's school. I had the privilege of smiling, opening car doors, and saying good morning. What a fantastic way to begin a day.
I would have to agree with the following quote taken from John Mason: Serving others is one of life's most awesome privileges. Albert Schweitzer said, " The only ones among you who will really be happy are those who have sought and found how to serve."
This concept of serving is right. Serving others will truly bring out your best qualities. Serving does not take a great deal of time. It can be something so simplistic such as listening to someone share a heart-felt concern or it can be giving of your time. What can you do today to serve? We do not serve for recognition, but we serve others because it truly is a blessing! When serving others, I am the most fulfilled.
I would have to agree with the following quote taken from John Mason: Serving others is one of life's most awesome privileges. Albert Schweitzer said, " The only ones among you who will really be happy are those who have sought and found how to serve."
This concept of serving is right. Serving others will truly bring out your best qualities. Serving does not take a great deal of time. It can be something so simplistic such as listening to someone share a heart-felt concern or it can be giving of your time. What can you do today to serve? We do not serve for recognition, but we serve others because it truly is a blessing! When serving others, I am the most fulfilled.
Wednesday, December 13
Help Someone
"Never look down on anybody unless you're helping them up." (Jesse Jackson) What an inspirational quote. Are you guilty of comparing yourself to someone and feeling superior? Everyone has their unique qualities and traits. We need to celebrate our differences and lend a helping hand at every opportunity.
Saturday, December 9
What a Lovely Evening
Our secret sisters' gift exchange was nothing short of spectacular! What a joy to see everyone laughing and having a grand time. We enjoyed the scrumptious food and fantastic fellowship. We laughed, played games, and enjoyed spending time with one another.
Sis. Bernice's home is beautiful, festive, and comfy. My heartiest laugh was over Rebecka's "ghetto" basket. She explained how she ran out of one color of tissue wrap, and she used another color. Her gift basket was very pretty. All of us left with something just a little bit special. Thank you Philana, Rebecka and Cheryl for my gifts.
Thank you everyone for sharing this momentous occasion with us. We enjoyed meeting a new friend, Lettie--such a friendly lady. Also, we were glad to see Melissa. What a sweet young lady. God bless all of you!
Sis. Bernice's home is beautiful, festive, and comfy. My heartiest laugh was over Rebecka's "ghetto" basket. She explained how she ran out of one color of tissue wrap, and she used another color. Her gift basket was very pretty. All of us left with something just a little bit special. Thank you Philana, Rebecka and Cheryl for my gifts.
Thank you everyone for sharing this momentous occasion with us. We enjoyed meeting a new friend, Lettie--such a friendly lady. Also, we were glad to see Melissa. What a sweet young lady. God bless all of you!
Thursday, December 7
What, No Dictionary?
We are avid readers, but would you believe we do not have a Webster's Dictionary! Sheldon's homework requires him to look up a word and write down the page number. Well, since we are a computer savvy family, I thought we could just go to an online dictionary; however, when you find the word, the dictionary does not tell you the page number. I guess we will be buying a dictionary to go in our bookshelf.
The next best thing to a dictionary is a grandma in Big Spring, Texas. She pulled out the infamous Pryor dictionary, searched for the words, and told Sheldon the page number. If books could talk, this dictionary would have a lot to say about the intense Scrabble games we have played. One thing about the Pryor men, they are competitive! Thank God for caring, loving grandparents.
The next best thing to a dictionary is a grandma in Big Spring, Texas. She pulled out the infamous Pryor dictionary, searched for the words, and told Sheldon the page number. If books could talk, this dictionary would have a lot to say about the intense Scrabble games we have played. One thing about the Pryor men, they are competitive! Thank God for caring, loving grandparents.
Tuesday, December 5
Our Christmas Tree
Here is a picture of our Christmas tree. Just a little bit old fashioned with no particular theme, but that is how I remember the Christmas trees as a child. Each ornament has a story to tell, and that is what I like best!
What A Wonderful, Awesome, Incredible, Fantastic Husband
When I ponder on my marriage, I am reminded of what a blessing it is to be married to a remarkable, loving, perfect gentleman. We have been married for twelve years, and my love for him has not waned; my love has only grown stronger. I am always amazed at his thoughtfulness.
Last Monday, I was fretting over returning to work after having been off for eight, relaxing days. Of course, Mark patiently listened while I explained what was going on at work. Much to my surprise, in the early afternoon, I received a beautiful boutique of fragrant, vibrant flowers along with a special note letting me know that he loves me. At every opportunity, my eyes would stray toward my lovely flowers, and I was sweetly reminded of someone thinking about me.
The journey of marriage has many twists, turns and unexpected events. Marriage is exciting and fulfilling. If I could offer advice to married couples, I would have to say that communication is vital. Words of affirmation need to be given on a daily basis. Hugs and kisses are always appropriate no matter what time of the day. I find no greater comfort than being in the arms of the one I love. Hold hands at every opportunity even if you are simply walking from the parking lot to the store. Enjoy every precious moment together!
Disagreements happen, but you should have more good days than bad. When you are wrong, simply apologize, get over it, and go on with life. You waste precious time and energy if you continue to dwell on a "fuss" that happened last week.
Simply take time for one another and stay connected at whatever phase you are in your marriage. When you are newly married, it is just the two of you. When you have children, your focus changes, but you still must stay connected and take time for one another. You need to continue to go places that just the two of you enjoy. Your family won't suffer but rather will be strengthened by this small act. "Don't ever take date night or your date for granted. Married couples - DATE EACH OTHER. The crumbiest date night is better than the best day in divorce court...."
In a nutshell, treat him like a king and he in turn will treat you like a queen. Babe, you are the wind beneath my wings. I love you!
Last Monday, I was fretting over returning to work after having been off for eight, relaxing days. Of course, Mark patiently listened while I explained what was going on at work. Much to my surprise, in the early afternoon, I received a beautiful boutique of fragrant, vibrant flowers along with a special note letting me know that he loves me. At every opportunity, my eyes would stray toward my lovely flowers, and I was sweetly reminded of someone thinking about me.
The journey of marriage has many twists, turns and unexpected events. Marriage is exciting and fulfilling. If I could offer advice to married couples, I would have to say that communication is vital. Words of affirmation need to be given on a daily basis. Hugs and kisses are always appropriate no matter what time of the day. I find no greater comfort than being in the arms of the one I love. Hold hands at every opportunity even if you are simply walking from the parking lot to the store. Enjoy every precious moment together!
Disagreements happen, but you should have more good days than bad. When you are wrong, simply apologize, get over it, and go on with life. You waste precious time and energy if you continue to dwell on a "fuss" that happened last week.
Simply take time for one another and stay connected at whatever phase you are in your marriage. When you are newly married, it is just the two of you. When you have children, your focus changes, but you still must stay connected and take time for one another. You need to continue to go places that just the two of you enjoy. Your family won't suffer but rather will be strengthened by this small act. "Don't ever take date night or your date for granted. Married couples - DATE EACH OTHER. The crumbiest date night is better than the best day in divorce court...."
In a nutshell, treat him like a king and he in turn will treat you like a queen. Babe, you are the wind beneath my wings. I love you!
Monday, December 4
Going All The Way
Currently, I am suppose to be baking chocolate chip cookies for my family, but I just had to stop and take a moment to jot down a simple thought while it is fresh on my mind.
Normally, I have a difficult time straying away from the songs that I am taught. However, as I was listening to a song, "Going All The Way," I sat down and began to play the chords. By the time I completed my time of practice, I was in fact playing the song! More importantly than playing the song, I began to think of the message: going all the way. In order to go all the way and fulfill the perfect will of God, you cannot hold back nor can you turn back. You must trust God, step forward, and say, "Lord, I trust you and I am going all the way. Whatever your will is for my life, I'm willing to follow. That's right, no turning back for me!" It is not time to hold back and succumb to fear, but step out in faith and believe that you are capable of accomplishing wonderful works!
P.S. In case you are wondering, yes, I still baked the cookies. When a sweet little boy asks, "Mom can you please bake cookies?" How can I resist such a kind request. During the winter months, weekend cookie baking is usually going on in the Pryor household. I love treating my awesome husband and child to homemade cookies! Umm, there is nothing like the smell of cookies as they are baking in the oven! Such a sweet, tantalizing aroma!
Normally, I have a difficult time straying away from the songs that I am taught. However, as I was listening to a song, "Going All The Way," I sat down and began to play the chords. By the time I completed my time of practice, I was in fact playing the song! More importantly than playing the song, I began to think of the message: going all the way. In order to go all the way and fulfill the perfect will of God, you cannot hold back nor can you turn back. You must trust God, step forward, and say, "Lord, I trust you and I am going all the way. Whatever your will is for my life, I'm willing to follow. That's right, no turning back for me!" It is not time to hold back and succumb to fear, but step out in faith and believe that you are capable of accomplishing wonderful works!
P.S. In case you are wondering, yes, I still baked the cookies. When a sweet little boy asks, "Mom can you please bake cookies?" How can I resist such a kind request. During the winter months, weekend cookie baking is usually going on in the Pryor household. I love treating my awesome husband and child to homemade cookies! Umm, there is nothing like the smell of cookies as they are baking in the oven! Such a sweet, tantalizing aroma!
Sunday, December 3
Blessings on Our Way
We are unable to express an adequate appreciation for the preached Word of God. When a message comes forth, oftentimes it is very timely. Tonight, our guest speaker Pastor Wilmoth preached from the following passage of scripture: "I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living." (Psa. 27:13) As a church family, we do not have time to succumb to weariness, doubt or disbelief. We must continue to trust God and believe that He has great blessings in store for our church as well as individual families. Hearing Pastor Wilmoth share his experience was motivating, encouraging, thrilling and nothing less than miraculous!
Indeed, God knows just where we are at in life's journey. Incredible, miraculous blessings are coming our way. Let these words ring loudly: We need to continue to trust God and "not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." (Gal. 6:9) Let's take the challenge and not become defeated, but let's continue to stay encouraged, reach for lost souls, and impact our wonderful city. Therefore, "Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. (Psa. 37:5)
Indeed, God knows just where we are at in life's journey. Incredible, miraculous blessings are coming our way. Let these words ring loudly: We need to continue to trust God and "not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." (Gal. 6:9) Let's take the challenge and not become defeated, but let's continue to stay encouraged, reach for lost souls, and impact our wonderful city. Therefore, "Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. (Psa. 37:5)
Friday, December 1
And the Blogger Tonight Is None Other Than Sheldon!
Here is Sheldon's story:
One night there was a star much brighter than the others. Joseph and Mary were trying to find a place for baby Jesus to rest. It is great to have a King like Jesus! He gave us salvation, food, rest, water, land, and love. Wow, what an amazing story!
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