Monday, December 4

Going All The Way

Currently, I am suppose to be baking chocolate chip cookies for my family, but I just had to stop and take a moment to jot down a simple thought while it is fresh on my mind.

Normally, I have a difficult time straying away from the songs that I am taught. However, as I was listening to a song, "Going All The Way," I sat down and began to play the chords. By the time I completed my time of practice, I was in fact playing the song! More importantly than playing the song, I began to think of the message: going all the way. In order to go all the way and fulfill the perfect will of God, you cannot hold back nor can you turn back. You must trust God, step forward, and say, "Lord, I trust you and I am going all the way. Whatever your will is for my life, I'm willing to follow. That's right, no turning back for me!" It is not time to hold back and succumb to fear, but step out in faith and believe that you are capable of accomplishing wonderful works!

P.S. In case you are wondering, yes, I still baked the cookies. When a sweet little boy asks, "Mom can you please bake cookies?" How can I resist such a kind request. During the winter months, weekend cookie baking is usually going on in the Pryor household. I love treating my awesome husband and child to homemade cookies! Umm, there is nothing like the smell of cookies as they are baking in the oven! Such a sweet, tantalizing aroma!

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