Tuesday, January 2

Coincidence or Blessing -- You Decide

Last Thursday my AWESOME husband stopped by and hand-delivered what is currently my favorite coffee drink--Pumpkin Spice Latte. He also told me that my drink was free of charge. The story goes like this:

Mark was waiting for his coffee when the barista said, "Would you like this pumpkin latte?" Of course, he gladly accepted the coffee, drove to my job and gave me this wonderful latte. For me, coffee is always a welcome treat. So, with a kiss and a smile I happily returned to work.

The question to you is, was this act of kindness a coincidence or a blessing? It all depends on how you look at it. Some readers would say, it is a coincidence. Mark just happened to be at Diedrich's at the right time. However, what are the odds that the free latte would be his wife's favorite? Furthermore, on this day, I was extremely busy as we were preparing to file an appellate brief, and this special treat was delivered at just the right time. Yes, I choose to say it was a blessing! Even though I cannot physically see God, in my mind, I can visualize Him up in Heaven smiling as I smiled because He was able to give me a special treat that enlightened my day!

P.S. The pumpkin spice latte was also a medium which is what I usually order! :-)


Jana Allard said...

Why even consider coincidence?! Blessings are so much more fun! God is good - - - all the time.

Mark Pryor said...

Definitely a BLESSING!!!!