Saturday, January 20

A New Appreciation

My appreciation monitor just went up a "gazillion" notches. In all sincerity, I honestly believe I have the utmost appreciation for my husband, but last week I realized I need to show more appreciation! Mark was out of town at Because of the Times, and Sheldon and I were at home missing him like crazy.

Monday started with Mark leaving. Sheldon and I slept in late. I then cleaned house, and Sheldon had friends come over. This was fun, and at the end of the day I was tired. To enlighten our evening, we had our first video chat with Mark. It was nice to be able to see and talk with him, but already we were missing him.

Tuesday morning I began to notice that something was amiss--my knight in shining armor, best friend, helper and right arm was not there. I made breakfast and rustled Sheldon out of bed. However, before I could even attempt to wake Sheldon up, and I had to ensure that I was already dressed and ready to go. That meant getting up earlier than normal, and I am not, I repeat, not an early riser. Once we were ready, I (not Mark) had to drive Sheldon to school and then drive to work. While driving to work, I had to listen to a CD rather than the calming voice of Mark. Also, instead of Mark driving to school to pick up Sheldon, Terri picked him up--notch on appreciation thermometer rising, rising, and still rising.

When evening came, the notch on my appreciation monitor had risen quite a few notches. Now it was time to coax Sheldon into completing his homework, make dinner and spend some quality time with him. Oh, and I had to wash a couple loads of laundry. My time to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee or practice piano simply was not there. Blogging, out of the question. Bath time, appreciation thermometer still rising. Before we called it a night, we were able to have a video chat with Mark. I had to keep from crying because I was MISSING HIM LIKE CRAZY!

Wednesday, morning schedule still the same. By now, my house is looking quite lived in. Toys on the floor, clothes lying on the bed, clean clothes in the laundry basket waiting for someone to fold, trash needs to be taken out, floor needs to be vacuumed, and dishes in the sink. Appreciation notch still rising.

My day at work was utterly crazy, and I had no shoulder to cry on. Oh, ya, the appreciation thermometer is rising so quickly I wonder if it is going to burst. Thankfully, Sabrina and Frank are watching Sheldon. I come home in time to change, make a sandwich and head out the door for our church prayer meeting. Before I leave, I snatch all the bottled-filled bags lying on the patio, load them into the car, and give them to the Peavys. Why do I do this? Because by now I am realizing all the little things that Mark does for us, and I want to do something that he normally takes care of to let him know I appreciate him.

Thursday, we are counting down. Just one more day. Schedule is still the same. However, I'm trying to clean the kitchen only to make a bigger mess--I spill coffee grounds all over the floor. This minor fiasco sure was not on my to do list. Do I cry? No, I grab the vacuum, clean the smelly mess, head upstairs to finish getting Sheldon ready, and rush out the door. By now the notch has risen into the "gazillion" level. On the way to school, there is an accident. I whisper a prayer and thank God that I wasn't involved in it. Now, I wonder if Sheldon will be late for school?

It is now Friday, and the smile on my face is glowing. I know when the evening rolls around, Mark will be home. Notch on the appreciation monitor has now reached the I WILL NEVER TAKE FOR GRANTED EVERYTHING THAT MARK DOES FOR US!!!!!

Yep, you guessed it. It is Saturday and all is well. I even have time to blog. My downtrodden week is a faded memory, with one exception: my newfound appreciation is shining ever so brightly. Babe, I love you, and I APPRECIATE you. Thank you for being such an exemplary husband and father.

P.S. Also, a big thank you to Sabrina, Marcela, and Terri. I appreciate your help. I am glad that I have friends I can count on.


Mark Pryor said...

WOW!!! Absence does make the heart grow fonder. BTW does anybody know of another conference coming up? LOL.

I also want to chime in my "Thanks" for everybody's helping out while I was out of town.

And yes, I am glad to be home!

Debbie Pryor said...

You are too funny!! LOL It will be awhile before you can leave for another conference. I love you!!

Jana Allard said...

You two are such a darling couple!!! So glad you are our dearest friends. What's that saying - - -Birds of a feather flock together?!?!? Debbie, the way you brag on Mark is how I brag on Brian. I couldn't live a day without him.

Debbie Pryor said...


I guess you taught me well.

Mark Pryor said...

Hhm, I had to go back and make sure I read this right. LOL. I think I may print it off and hang it on your mirror.