Thursday, April 17

Personal Thoughts Concerning Time

Praying Together
Originally uploaded by MAPryor
Everyone experiences that feeling of simply being tired, but why is it that I am the most tired on a church night, i.e. Monday night prayer or Wednesday night Bible study. Funny how that works. There are nights, due to that ugly feeling of tiredness, when I am ready to stay home and then I realize once again that it is important that I give God my very best. What is even more amazing is that I may walk through the church doors tired, but when I leave I am refreshed. Amazing, huh. When you add it all up, it simply does not make sense, but it is true. Time with God equals great refreshing and renewed strength! I cherish those moments because I know that God is always there giving me strength!

William Penn said, "Time is what we want most, but... what we use worst." Time, time, we all want more, but let me pose this question, are you a wise steward of your time? We expect God to perform great miracles, but are you willing to make great sacrifices concerning your time? Are you willing to set aside your precious time so that you can invest time on your knees in prayer or take time for someone that is in need? Time is quickly passing, but it is up to you how you choose to use it. Brian Tracy said, "There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing." Balancing your time can be a personal juggling act, but always remember to utilize your time wisely.


Mark Pryor said...

Deb, that is a GREAT post and so true. The transparency and honesty with which you wrote this post is striking.

I know that there are many who will identify with what you have posted here and that know that feeling of walking through the doors of the church after putting in a hard days work on the job and giving your best in prayer and worship ... and then feeling the winds of refreshing begin to blow upon you.

Great post!!!

Jana Allard said...

I agree with Mark - this is a great post. Brian just talked about time during Bible Study Wednesday night. He was saying how people don't want to give up their free or personal time for prayer meeting and that is why prayer meeting is the least attended service. Funny thing is, you said it perfectly when you said how refreshed you feel AFTER spending time with God. There is always enough time to praise God even if I have to give up something else. Awesome, awesome post!

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Isn't that funny how it works? You are right - staying home is not the thing to do. Drag those bones to service and they're alive again!
I might miss meetings, but not home church!!!
Love you.

Mark Pryor said...

Debbie, I posted a link here a few days ago calling this the post of the week...and I truly believe it is.

Mark Pryor said...

Jana, I agree with Brian. It is amazing that prayermeetings are so often one of the least attended services of the week and yet they help us to refocus our priorities in such a way that we actually accomplish more in less I would say that attending prayermeetings is actually a major part of stewardship when it comes to time.

Catharine, great point. As a matter of fact I just told someone this week that very thing.