Tuesday, August 26

Take Time To Restart


Originally uploaded by Debbie R. Pryor

Last night was a late night at the office. We decided to pick up Papa John's Pizza. While we were waiting for the pizza, I noticed a card shop, and I peeked through the window to see what was in the store. On the shelf there was a cup with the following, "TAKE TIME TO RESTART" I instantly smiled. I needed to read just that because at that moment it was necessary for me to figuratively hit the restart button, and start anew with a fresh attitude. I am thankful for those quite moments when you can slow down after a busy day and spend time just relaxing.

It's time, take time to restart!


Mark Pryor said...

I began to think of restart buttons: I know where the restart button is on my computer, on the microwave, the printer and at least a dozen other things...but I wonder how many people have no idea where their restart botton is located?

As a matter of fact that could be a cool follow-up post..."Where Is Your Restart Button?" :-)

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

You were up late!!! Hope you can rest early today :)
You are right, let's take time to restart. I'm glad that we can do this with God as often as needed thru repentance! If it were up to us... Oh how we need Him!

Debbie Pryor said...

Thanks for the idea. I believe I'll have to post a thought on just that: Where is your restart button.

Debbie Pryor said...

Catherine, that is one of the simple beauties of living for God; we can always start with a clean slate. Yes, oh how we NEED Him. :)