Monday, October 1

My Love For A Flower Garden

Flowers @ Canada
Originally uploaded by MAPryor.
Okay, I am breaking my rule, I have posted twice in one night. LOL. As all of my dear friends know, I share an unquenchable affinity for flowers. If I could, I would spend all day planting flowers for myself or someone else for that matter. When Mark leaves for a weekend to preach out, I always run off to Armstrong Nursery. Perhaps there is a natural radar in my car that drives directly to the nursery (or Starbucks). Inevitably, the shopping bug strikes and I buy something even if it is just a plant for my herb garden. Surprisingly, I usually always get caught with dirt on my hands and Mark knows that I have bought something. Buying a plant is so much harder to conceal than a new pair of shoes or suit because it would sound silly to say, "No babe, I've had this plant for months; I just forgot to plant it." Mark has an uncanny way of arriving home when I am trying to plant my well sought after plant. Sheldon has even caught onto this little trick of mine. One time, Sheldon stepped onto the patio and his keen eye caught sight of my treasure. He then said, "You bought a flower and I am telling daddy." Caught again. To me, this garden is magnificent. I am sure that our heavenly garden will look something like this but much more spectacular!


Mark Pryor said...
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Mark Pryor said...

Too funny, thanks for the laugh. I needed it after two stress-filled days.

Jolene Harris said...

Sis. Pryor, That is a beautiful garden picture you have posted. Can you imagine just how beautiful the Garden of Eden must have been? But I am sure Our heavenly garden will out shine them all.

I can understand your unquenchable affinity for flowers. Not only are they beautiful to look at but a beautiful garden is just so peaceful. Just looking at the pic in this post is so peaceful and soothing.

P.S. Hillarious thought; "Oh no I've had this plant for months now. Just forgot to plant it..." Good one Sis. Pryor! still laughing.

Jana Allard said...

GORGEOUS garden. This made me think of the Versaille Palace in France. I can't wait for you to get a bigger yard.

Shirley Buxton said...

Your garden is beautiful. Your husband's pictures are great. Your writing is delightful. Thank you.

Debbie Pryor said...

Jolene, I am glad I made you laugh. Jana, I know someday I'll have a huge yard! Sis. Buxton, thank for your kind words.

Philana Jones said...

When I was in Canada, I had he opportunity to go to the Butchart Garden. It was magnificent. I will pray that one day you can visit it if you haven't already. You would really enjoy it.