Thursday, October 18

Trust - That's A Big Word

Sheldon II
Originally uploaded by MAPryor.

A man who doesn't trust himself can never really trust anyone else. (Cardinal De Retz)

Thinking on the above statement and the word trust, I had to ask myself why is it that this simple act or "firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something" is such a difficult concept for some individuals. A newborn infant does not question whether or not he should trust the hands that are gingerly holding him; the infant just knows he is safe and secure. I trust that the home I live in will shield me from storms. I trust my family, friends, and co-workers because I know they have my best interest at heart. More importantly, I trust God to be with me each and every day. Like the wind, I cannot see God, but I know that He is there.

So, why then do people struggle with trusting one another? Perhaps some people struggle because trust is not a tangible object. You cannot point to something and say that is trust. Trust is an invisible thread that connects and unites people. Strengthen those bonds of trust. Trust and cherish those around you. Most importantly, "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding." (Prov. 3:5 )


Jana Allard said...

Awesome post. The opening quote is so true. Whenever a person doesn't trust, I have always wondered what they were hiding.

Your last paragraph is particularly powerful.

P.S. That fuy in the pic sure is handsome! :)

Mark Pryor said...

Great post. I agree with Jana on the opening quote. As a matter of fact I think that the reason some people have problems trusting or even loving others is rooted in their own issues.

When we deal with our own issues at the altar it changes our opinion of others. Perhaps it could be said that if a person wants to change their outlook, they must first change their inlook.