Wednesday, December 5

One Simple Step Builds Great Momentum

Originally uploaded by MAPryor.
New beginnings commence with one simple step. In order to begin, a plan of action is helpful but not an absolute necessity. Prosperous businesses never just happen. Much time and energy go forth into implementing a plan of action. An idea that has taken action, however, may need a little tweaking to make it successful. You may experience setbacks but remember that setbacks are just set ups for the next line of action.

God instilled in you a desire to begin, to step out in faith and experience exponential miracles. Blind Bartamas cried out and would not be deterred by the negative voices of those around him. He did not listen to the crowd; he would not lower his voice. Instead, he cried out all the louder until he arrested the attention of the Almighty One. Because he dared to cry out, he received a miracle--his vision! The woman with the issue of blood captivated the attention of God when she instantaneously without reservation reached to touch the hem of His garment, and He alone healed her. Her arduous struggle ceased because she dared to begin walking, touching, and believing that she would receive her miracle. Young David picked up five stones and slew Goliath. Jacob was in the pit of despair, but when the opportunity arose, he properly prepared himself, and he saved a nation from famine. Peter stepped out of the boat to find that God was there to keep him from sinking. Just as God was with Peter, He is with you beckoning you to take the first step in faith. As Martin Luther King, Jr., said, "You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."

The Pentecostals of O.C. are endeavoring to reach people who are desiring to know God. You must dare to take the first step and not just dream but implement actions to ensure that you are reaching those in your immediate circle of family, friends and co-workers. The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. (Chinese proverb) God will give you the necessary tools you need in order to begin to see your desire come into fruition. Your plan may sound silly to someone else, but do not cease to dream of what you can do to help someone. Now is the time to step out and take your first step because you "can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth you! (Phil. 4:13)


Linda Pryor said...

Debbie, Debbie. You do inspire me. Those are great words of wisdom.

Rochelle said...

These were truly words of wisdom. Thank you so much for sharing. I needed to read this today!

Debbie Pryor said...

Rochelle, I am glad this thought helped you. I went to your blog and it is great. I'll have to read it more often! Take care and keep in touch.

iluv2prshim said...

Amen. The first steps are always the most difficult. I believe along with you that The Pentecostals of O.C. are doing great things for God. Keep up the good work!

Jana Allard said...

This is a conference sermon. Awesome post!

Debbie Pryor said...

Sis. Hurst, I appreciate your faith in what we are doing here in O.C. Thank you for believing in us! Blessings to you!

Debbie Pryor said...

Jana, okay, I'll let you teach it! I appreciate you!

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Yes, we are getting ready in O.C. for what God has for us.